Yahoo tops Google in Attracting More Visitors in the US in July!

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Ciao il mio amici. Yahoo tops Google in attracting more visitors in the US in July! Last time that happened was two years ago, a fluke, maybe, I say that people are genuinely fed up with search engine engines arrogant posture, especially webmaster. Go Marsisa Mayer, you're talking to us. How does that look like in numbers?

According to rankings from comScore, an approximate 197 million individuals visited a Yahoo! website this past July, versus 192 million for Google. The last time Yahoo! outperformed Google was in May 2011.

Not to hate on Google, after all, there was a time when Google was Goliath's David, but it's good to keep egos in check and have them be reminded that change for the benefit of those that patronize them is what it's all about, not the other way around.

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