
TrafficChoosing to title this series TRAFFIC, the same title as the movie directed by Steven Soderbergh and written by Stephen Gaghan, is of no coincidence, after all both share a lot in common including the elements of exploitation and addiction, and the potential for making lots of money by attempting to control and sell traffic, a multi billion dollar industry. The kind of traffic I'm referring to is Search Traffic.

Where the movie explores the illegal drug trade from the perspectives of a user, an enforcer, a politician and a trafficker, we'll explore search traffic from several perspectives specific to the search industry; the end user, webmaster, Internet marketers, a link network operator and of course the search engines.

Join me as we step into the lives of real world Internet marketers, and explore the techniques and tactics they use to game the system, some of which, so effective in generating traffic... that Google has banned them.


Image credit: IMDb


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